Human[kind] Cinema Series: Freedom Writers
Thursday, November 14
9:30AM Matinee (2h 5m) - for matinee only attendees
8:30AM - 1:30PM - for optional SEL Workshop attendees
Grades: 9 - 12
The value of the Human[kind] Cinema Series resides in its ability to assist schools as they work to meet the Michigan Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Competencies. The selected films inspire conversation, leverage the power of storytelling, and bring high school students together from across five countries to share a common experience they're likely more accustomed to having alone, in front of a computer screen, digital monitor, or phone.
This year's offering presents the powerful film Freedom Writers, based on a 1999 book of the same name by the high school students of teacher Erin Gruwell. The film is based on the true story of a determined and courageous educator of low-performing students at Woodrow Wilson High School in Long Beach, California. The story highlights difficult issues affecting students, challenges embodied in socioeconomic struggles, and the importance of breaking down stereotypes and connecting across their differences to build hope and find solutions and, ultimately, to empower students to positively impact school culture and well-being. A discussion guide is made available to teachers as part of this program. It provides rich opportunities to engage students and educators around social and emotional skill development (SEL) and also allows for curricular links to history, social studies, civics, psychology, and literature.
For the first time, Next Gen is offering an inter-school SEL Workshop in the Community Engagement Room (CER), including activities and conversations led by Camp Daggett staff! Space is limited. This opportunity will only be open to 100 students whose teachers select it as an "add-on" at registration. SEL Workshop participants will arrive at 8:30AM and depart at 1:30PM. Teachers of the Workshop students are asked to be available in the CER as needed under the leadership of Camp Daggett staff.